Monday, August 30, 2010

Thriller – Even The Dead Woke Up And Got Dancing

As fans across the globe marks the one year anniversary of Michael Jackson’s death since Thursday, July 25, 2009, this writer – also a great fan – poetically reflects on the talents of the late megastar who should have been 52 years old on Sunday, August 29, 2010.

Michael, no doubt, remains the thriller of all times.

In The World Of Animals,

The Lion Is The King.

In The World Of Literature,

Shakespeare Is The King.

In The World Of Science

Albert Einstein Is The King

In The World Of Painting

Leonardo Da Vinci Is The King

In The World Of Magic And Illusion

Harry Houdini Is The King

In The World Of Football

Pele Is The King

In The World Of Stand-Up Comedy

Richard Pryor Is The King

In The World Of TV Talk-Show

Oprah Winfrey Is The ‘King’

In The World Of Martial Arts

Bruce Lee Is The King

In The World Of Boxing

Mohammad Ali Is The King

In The World Of Soft Drinks

Coca Cola Is The King

52 Years Ago

On August 29, 1958

In Gary, Indiana

A King Was Born

Michael Joseph Jackson (MJJ)Was Born

History Was In The Making, Like The Biblical Joseph

From Childhood To Adulthood

From The Little Dwarf To Death

His Music Lit Up The World

His Voice Soothed Our Nerves

His Dance Steps, Moon-Walk And All Made Us Exclaim ‘’Waa-ooohhh!’’

His Songs Forever Reverberated In Our Memory Like A National Anthem

His Awesome Talents Left Everybody Speechless!

From Childhood To Adulthood

His Life Never Ceased To Amaze Us

His Kindness – To Everyone And Pets - And Philanthropy Can Never Be Forgotten

Can We Ever Forget ‘’We Are The World?’’

A Song Inspired By Michael

To Bring Succor To The Dying In Ethiopia

Can We Ever Forget Thriller?

The King Of All Albums

60 Million Copies Sold And Still Counting

What Manner Of Magic Could This Be?

Why, Even The Dead Woke Up And Got Dancing!

Such Spectacle Had Never Been Seen, The Music Videos Et Al

Absolutely Out-Of-This-World! Oh, My God!!

Michael Is An Incandescent Light

That Illuminates Our Lives In So Many Ways

Like A Lone Candle In The Dark

His Music Continues To Shine And Shine

Across Time And Space

Entertainment Is Music

Entertainment Is Sports

Entertainment Is Comedy

Entertainment Is Literature

Entertainment Is Magic

Entertainment Is Martial Arts

Entertainment Is Coca Cola

Of A Truth,

MJJ Is Not The King Of Pop

MJJ Is The King Of Entertainment Of All Time

Happy Birthday, Michael (R.I.P)

The Eureka Bird

As Free As A Bird’’ is the popular adage we keep hearing time and time again. But have you ever stopped to ask yourself, Are Birds Truly Free? Can any ‘Matter’ that has weight and occupies space be free? Indeed, what is truly free or freer than a Bird?

This poem in a light subtle way seeks to solve this riddle as it postulates that ideas are the freest gift of nature. Indeed, God created the world from His Ideas and these immortal wealth of ideas have been freely given to us to make the world a better place to live.

Ideas make the Man, Man makes wealth and wealth makes the world. So, the adage should now be ‘As Free As Ideas’ or better still ‘As Free As Wealth'

Hello, My Name Is Tixie

Tixie, The Humming Bird

I’m A Bird Of The Skies

I Fly High, High And High

Up And Up Above The Mountains

Where No Man Or Wits Can Ever Reach Me

O - La – La, I’m So Free As The Air

But When I Swoop Down In One Fall

To Pick A Caterpillar For A Meal

GBAAM! – Goes The Cage Door On Me

Someone Help Me!; I’m Not So Free After All

Hello, My Name Is Kiri Kita

Tixie, Andre, Freedom And Other Friends Call Me Kiki

I’m A Robin, A Bird Of The Skies

I Fly High, High And High

Up And Up Above The Mountains

Where No Man Or Wits Can Ever Reach Me

O - La – La, I’m So Free As The Air

But When I Swoop Down In One Fall

To Pick A Mango For A Meal

KAPUT! – Goes The Stone From The Catapult

And I Fall To The Ground; As Free As A Bird Indeed!

Hello, My Name Is Andre

I’m An Eagle, A Bird Of The Skies

Since Men Have Learnt To Shoot Without Missing

I Have Also Learn To Fly Without Perching

Up, Up And Up Into The Sky I Fly

Where No Man Or Wits Can Ever Reach Me

O - La – La, I’m So Free As The Air

But When I Swoop Down In One Fall

On A Chicken For A Meal

BOOM! – Goes The Farmer’s Double Barrel

Like Tixie And Kiki, I End Up In The Farmer’s Cooking Pot

As Free As A Bird Indeed

Hello, My Name Is Freedom

But All My Preys Like To Call Me EUREKA

Unlike Tixie, Kiki And Andre, I’m A Bird Of Wealth, Ideas

Invincible And Invisible, Yet Visible To Only My Preys

I Fly Everywhere, Every time, High And Low

But When I Swoop Down To Prey On The Human Mind

I Cause The Little Obscure Man Of Yesterday

To Become The Great Scientist, Thinker, Philosopher, Musician And Leader

Who Makes The World A Better Place Than They Met It

I Have Consumed Many A Mind For A Meal

Causing Them To Shout ‘’Eureka – I’ve Found It!’’

-Archimedes, Alexander Graham Bell, Alfred Nobel

Volta, The Wright Brothers, Jean And Marie-Currie, Isaac Newton

Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, George Orwell, Leonardo Da-Vinci, Adams Smith

Sigmund Freud, Wolfgang Mozart, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill

-The List Is Endless And Timeless

Hey, Don’t You Forget My Name!

I’m Eureka, The Only Free Bird Of Ideas

I’m Freer Than Air Or Any Other Bird

I’m Lived Through Time And Age

Open Your Mind To Let Me Prey On You

And You Will Never Ever Be The Same Again

Ideas Are The Freest Gift Of Nature

It Cannot Be Killed Or Caged

Wealth Is Therefore Free And Flies Everywhere In The Air

From Person To Person: One Mind To The Other

You Only Have To Think And Grow Rich

I’m Eureka The Bird

Unlike Mortal Birds Like Tixie, Kiki And Andre

I’m A Bird Of Ideas, Wealth And Fame

Like The Genie From The Land Beyond, Beyond

Call On Me In Your Dreams

And I Will Make You Wealthy When You Wake Up

E-U-R-E-K-A!!! Yes, That’s My Name