Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Where Two Rivers Meet

Confluence of love - Where 2 rivers meet
This is an emotional poem, more like a song of love depicting a man as a river.

Have you ever seen a confluence of two great rivers? For me, it immediately stirred up my soul and out came this song of love.

When the spirit moves you
You rise up and tell a song
A poem or a story of love
A feeling flowing in the heart like a river

Ooo-h...my friend, my brother
You can’t clap with one hand
You can’t sing a song of love with only your mouth
A kiss of love never dies becos.....

Where two rivers meet
That’s where I’d be
That’s where life begins
That’s where love lives

Can’t you see with your eyes
That love needs two people
To come together, to live as one
Two lives in one body

Can’t you see with your eyes
That two people born separately
Living apart in different worlds
Will one day find themselves
Ooo-h, can’t you see... becos

Where two rivers meet
That’s where I’d be
That’s where life begins
That’s where love lives

Where two rivers meet
That’s where I’d be
That’s where life begins
That’s where love lives

Can’t you see, so brightly up in the skies
Meeting of two means love
That 1 + 1 = love
And love = 2

Ooo-h, can’t you see?.......
My friends, can’t you see
That 2 means a pair for life
To cross the bridge of life together.
As ooo-nnn-eee (one), becos....

Where two rivers meet
That’s where I’d be
That’s where life begins
That’s where love lives

Where two rivers meet
That’s where I’d be
That’s where life begins
That’s where love lives

Where two rivers meet
That’s where I’d be
That’s where life begins
That’s where love lives

Ooo-h, La, la, la!
A new life born so sweet
From the confluence called letter ‘Y’
The Y – shape of the groin between the legs...
And nothing stays the same again...’cos

Where two rivers meet
That’s where I’d be
That’s where life begins
That’s where love lives...

Only God Could Have Created The Universe

Who else could have created the universe? In my poem ‘The Eureka Bird’ 82% of the voting readers have so far unanimously polled that ideas are indeed the freest gift of nature.

So, if we can say that ideas are invisible gifts from God, then by rationale or syllogistic thinking, the totality of ideas that created the universe is definitely from none other than God, the supreme being.

Science tells us that matter consists of Solid, liquid and gas. Even gases are not all invisible: ammonia has a reddish brown colour and a distinctive pungent odour. Thus this 3 types of matter constitute the physical universe. But there are a lot more other constituents that are invisible: sound, force, energy, pressure, gravity, pain, thoughts, ideas and spirits. The world is therefore made up of the physical matter and the invisible, intangible and amorphous matter.

Whilst the pure scientists can explain sound, pressure, force, energy, gravity and all with theories and formula, they are yet to explain the phenomenon of ‘spirits.’ Humans themselves consist of the visible and the invisible. That is, the human being is a spirit encased in a visible flesh. However, social scientists, led by the Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, do in fact recognise the invisible human form called id or soul (the spirit consciousness).

As human beings, how do we create things ourselves? How was electricity made or created? How was the computer created? How was the aeroplane created and the ship made to float on the ocean? How did the laws or constitution for governing the society come about? Where do the lyrics of a song or hymn come from? All the immortal literature of William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, George Orwell – Where did they get these great stories from and how were they so beautifully crafted?

It is remarkable that all the ideas that has made man to become the great Scientist, Engineer, Philosopher, Writer, Singer / Musician, Lawyer, Accountant etc all come from the mind (the invisible soul). A Galileo or Isaac Newton was first a child with his mind in a blank state or tabula rasa. It is from this blank state or nothingness that these great scientists, writers, artiste conceive, discover or create things. Something is always created from nothing. We have earlier averred that ideas are invisible, and as we shall see in the paragraphs below, all ideas come from the receptacle or body of ideas that created the Universe. Those ideas, discoveries and inventions have always been there, waiting to be brought to life or made visible to all. It is like a switch, light only comes when it is put on because the light has always been there.

It cannot therefore be illogical to rationalise that since the world comprises both visible and invisible matter, anybody or anything that created the universe must have a universal knowledge of all the subjects / courses in the Universe. Put simply, such a creator of the Universe must hold a Doctor of Science degree (D.sc) in all fields of human endeavour – Medicine - Gynaecology, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Virology, Parasitology, Paediatrics, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics, Surgery, Ear Nose & Throat (ENT) etc, Acupuncture, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Biochemistry, Linguistics, Industrial Chemistry, Engineering – Mechanical, Electrical, Aeronautical, Computer, Chemical, etc, Law, Sociology, Philosophy, Psychology, Economics, Political Science, Actuarial Science, Arts, Literature, Sports, Education, Real Estates etc, etc. In addition, the creator of the Universe must also have a D.Sc in all languages, phonics and dialects spoken in the world.

It is clear that only an omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent being can possess this D.Sc of the Universe. Or, is there any one genius that ever lived or is living who has this D.Sc? No, of course. There cannot and will never ever be because the invisible supreme being called God is the sum total of all ideas of creation. The Universe is only a receptacle, a store or library of His invisible ideas which the human mind feeds on. Hence, incontrovertibly, the so-called inventions, laws of science and discoveries by Man are from God’s invisible body of ideas abinitio.

Through dreams, prayers, meditation, deep observation and thinking, Man is able to use his invisible mind to tap into God’s library of ideas (the Universe) and the world is made a better place. From zero to Hero: from nothing always comes something!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Head And The Tail’s Tale

Is there anyone out there who would like to be the tail? Of course, the answer will be a resounding NO! The World hates the tail with a passion, but everybody loves the head. But we forget that to be the Head or to be served, one must learn to serve others first.

Yeah, a bit like learning before earning or stooping to conquer if you like.

This poem plays the metaphor game with Head and Tail to show that leadership is service. A leader is a servant like the Head to the body. For the Head to Head, its tail must be a good tale.

The Head

It Comes In Different Shapes And Sizes-

Big Or Small,

Round, Oblong or Square

The Head Is The Brain box Of The Body

Without The Head

The Body Will Not Function

Indeed, The Saying Is True

‘’Kill The Head And The Body Will Die’’

The Reason All Pugilists Go For Their Opponents’ Head

And The Result Is A T.K.O (Technical Knock Out)!

The Head

Big Or Small

The Size Does Not Determine Success Or Failure

Many A Fool Have Big Heads

Many A Leader Have Small Heads

Many Success Stories Have Small Heads

And Many Failures Have Big Heads

The Head

Like The C.P.U Of A Computer

It’s The Information Embedded In The Head

That Determines Its Potency And Success

Garbage In, Garbage Out

Not The Shape Nor The Size

The Head

It Is The Most Vital Part Of The Body

It Is The Servant To 5 Critical Parts –

The Brain – The Server Of The Body

The Eyes – The Light Of The Body

The Nose – The Inlets For Breadth And Smell

The Ears – The ‘Antennae’ For Receiving Signals

The Mouth – The Orifice For Our Daily Bread And Communication

Oh, What Can We Do Without The Head?

The Head

Another Synonym For ‘First’ ‘Major’ ‘Principal’ ‘Numero Uno’

The Head Of A Family Is The Father

The Head Of A School Is The Principal

The Head Of A Company Is The Managing Director / C.E.O

The Head Of A Country Is The President

Oh, What Can We Do Without The Head?

The Head

Whether Of The Body, Place Or Country

Is The Most Sensitive, Responsible And Susceptible

Only Divine Protection Saves The Head

For To Kill The Head

Is To Destroy The Body, Place Or Country

The Head

Where The Head Suffers A Headache

Who Dares To Cut Off The Head?

When The Head Goes Gaga

Who Dares To Cut Off The Head?

For A Wise Man Catches A Fish By The Head

And Another Kills A Snake By Its Head

The Head

The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword

Is An Eulogy To The Might Of The Head

As Against The Futility Of Brute Strength

Like The Futility Of A Goliath Against David

The Head

It Deserves Every Respect And Accolade

The Head Of A Kingdom Is The King

The Head Wears The Crown

And To Wear The Crown

The Head Must Stoop To Conquer

Herein Lies The Tale Of The Tail – Leadership Means Service

The Head

It Is The Opposite Of The Tail

Everybody Abhors The Tail Like A Curse

For Tail Is A Picture Of ‘’Bottom’’ ‘’Lowest’’ ‘’Rear Part’’

But For The Head To Head

It Must First Tail Along

To Tell The Head A Tale For Success

The Tail’s Tale Must Be Hailed For True Leadership