Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Rich Slaves Of The Universe

This poem is a satirical tribute to nature and our environment, polluted daily by Man’s unbridled quest for fortune. Consequently, we have turned these powerful forces of nature into slaves of the universe. They deserve our love, care and protection as our wealth comes from them and no one man can be richer or more powerful than any one of these slaves.

Poor Little Sun
A Big Mass of Life
A Big Mass of Power
A Big Mass of Talent
Forever Sweating, Giving And Contended

Blazing Forth Light, Power And Talent
For Man To See, Work, Feed And Become Rich
Which Man Can Pay The Sun For All Its Selfless Service To Mankind?
Oh, Poor Little Sun – Just A Slave of The Universe
No Money For Even A Breakfast In The Sky!

Poor Little Moon
A Big Mass of Brightness
Lonely Widow of The Night
Hope of Mankind For A Better Morning -
A New Day of Blessings And Fortunes.
But Invisible Is The Moon In The Morning of Man’s Glory

Alone In The Night Sky
Reciting The Cricket’s Lullaby, As Children Dream Their Pranks Away
Oh, Poor Little Moon
Just A Slave of The Universe
No Money In The Pocket For Even A Dinner With The Twinkling Stars

Water, Poor Little Aqua
A Lonely Mass of Pond Here
A Lively Mass of Ocean There
A Beating of Rain Hither-Thither
The Spring For Survival, Wealth And Longetivity

Water Has No Enemy In The Universe
It Tugs The Heartbeats of The Mighty And The Weak
‘’A Drop of Water’’ Begs The Beggar
‘’A Glass of Water’’ Orders The King
‘’Water For The Troops’’ Shouts The Commander
Oh, Poor Little Water –
Just A Slave of The Universe: Not Even A Dime For A Measly Loaf!

Poor Little Earth
The Endless Sands of All Ages
The Grounds of Discoveries And Fortunes Still Undiscovered
The Theatre of Life’s Drama
The Vault of All Treasures of The Universe
Laboring, Trampled-Upon, And Forever Forgiving Unto Man

A Forgiving, Six Foot Wide-Open Mouth
The Final Abode of Man, The Mortal Taskmaster
Where Hides The Rich Man of Fortune That Can Buy All of The Earth?
Oh, Poor Little Earth
Just Another Slave of The Universe
No Money For Even A Lunch At MacDonald’s!

Air - Poor, Little Air
Mighty And Omnipresent
The Invisible Earth of The Universe
Giving Wealth To Life,
Life To Power,
Power To Talent

No Air Means No Life, No Universe.
Can Any King Pay The Wages For All of Air’s Selfless Services To Mankind?
Oh, Poor Little  Air –
The King of The Slaves of The Universe
Yet No Money For Even A Bottle of Water To Drink!

Humans, Animals And Plant Earthlings-
The Mortal Tools of Nature.
At The Behest of The Opportunities
Of The Condescending Slaves of The Universe,
Man Is The Unpredictable, Cerebral Beast of The Universe

Always Lusting For Vanities of Fortune, Fame And Power
Hardly Ever Sacrificing, Self-Denying Like The Slaves
Yet No Billionaire Man of Fortune Can Pay The Wages
Of Any One Slave of The Universe.
Who Then Is The Richest Of The Universe –
The Rich Slaves or Opportunistic Man of Fortune?